2024 Featured guests
Brenda Palmer
Cycelia Matthews
JordAn G. Welch
Lizzie Morgan
Roosevelt Stewart
Stephanie Ike Okafor
Conference Itinerary
fresh oil 2024 recap
The FreshOil movement was birthed out of a vision to see people, especially women, experience the type of anointing that would permeate the exterior and produce inward supernatural change.
Since 2016, these regional conferences have seen women filled, empowered, renewed and restored. These gatherings are filled with worship & teaching by some of the most anointed and gifted women in this generations spirit-filled movement.
God has something powerful in store for you over these next few months and we anticipate that everyone of of you will experience a spectacular move of God; in your thoughts, in your home, in your business, in your region and across the globe.
I believe that these gatherings will continue to be like nothing we've ever experienced before. If you need a fresh touch from the Lord, a new anointing, these conferences are just for you.
- Pastor Sharese Williams, Conference Host
Hotel Indigo
500 Metropolitan Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
FreshOil Stories
The FreshOil conferences have seen women filled, empowered, healed, renewed and restored. Each gathering is filled with worship & teaching by some of the most anointed and gifted women in this generations spirit-filled movement. Every women that comes leaves with a #freshoilstory